Day 7: my first day doing a full tabata!
Well, being a mother of two young children and running a business provide a lot of opportunities for things to get lost in the cracks–Legos and postpartum journals both. But here are some more selections, and I will keep posting in odd moments.
Day 8: i was able to do my 1 tabata but that was about it for exercise as we got ready to go visit my in laws on their river property in Tennessee. First plane trip for new baby sheela, lots of packing and prep to do! I was grateful to have such s quick effective workout to do.
Day 10,11: we traveled to Tennessee and I did end up skipping both travel days as well as a few of the last days. But there’s nothing like floating down a river in a life jacket rolling your whole lower body side to side for core work!
Day 12: I recruited my brother and sister in law into doing my tabata a day plan, so there were two if then to help me get back on the horse! Feeling slightly stronger.